Reviews on our favorite and newest teen and tween books!

Book Review How To

Teens: Do you want to see your reviews on our blog?
E-mail it to us at hplmainchildren@gmail.comDon't forget to include your name and contact information so we can notify you when your review has been posted! 

If you want to start writing reviews, but aren't quite sure how, follow our template below.

Book Review Template






Type of Book (fantasy, dystopian, humor, sci-fi, mystery, etc):


Main Character

Name of main character(s):


Describe the character(s) (Personality, looks, age, etc.)



The main character changes from ________________ to ___________
by the end of the story.


Describe the time and place of the story (past, future, present, location, etc.)





Tell us what the story is about without giving away the ending (What is the problem/issue the main character must face? etc)





What did you like about this book?



What did you NOT like about this book?



Optional Information

Was the main character likeable?


What did you think of the book? Did you like it?

Was the story confusing or hard to believe?


Was the story predictable (could you guess what was going to happen)? If so, how?


If you like this book, you will also like (name other book title):
